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  • Faculty
  • Ohad Paris
  • Ohad Paris

    Visiting Assistant ProfessorEnvironmental Studies

    Ohad Paris completed his doctorate in ecology at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where he studied the effects of urbanization on the reproduction and behavior of songbirds. He completed his M.S. in biology at the College of William & Mary, studying the effects of mercury exposure on the reproduction of songbirds, and before that his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida. His teaching and research interests include avian behavior and ecology, statistical methods in ecology, spatial analysis of vegetated habitats and LiDAR data, and forest ecology.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    As an ecologist, I am eager to learn about relationships between species and their environment. I am particularly interested in what drives species to persist or perish in environments that are affected by urban development. Birds make for excellent study subjects in this regard, and I am fortunate to have experience working closely with different species of songbirds. I am looking forward to keep learning about urban songbirds and sharing knowledge and experiences with my students.


    Paris, O. J., Swaddle, J. P., & Cristol, D. A. (2018). Exposure to Dietary Methyl-Mercury Solely during Embryonic and Juvenile Development Halves Subsequent Reproductive Success in Adult Zebra Finches. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(5), 3117–3124.